Benefits of Sailing

At Sailability WA, we have a passion and believe it to be the best pastime on the planet. We therefore believe that everyone deserves this opportunity and invite people with disabilities, from all walks of life to join us. 

So, why Sailability WA?

Experience the benefits for yourself

Lets get out on the water!

Breathe in the fresh air

Sailing is one of the purest, cleanest and most natural recreations you will find. In Western Australia, we are fortunate with our fresh air, clean waterways and pleasant weather.

Exercise your mind

Try something new, learning new skills and practicing these skills over and over, provides mental stimulation and exercises new parts of the brain.

Find your crew

From our volunteers to fellow participants, everyone at Sailability WA is committed to enjoying themselves, learning new skills and building friendships. Sailability WA will increase your social circles and foster beautiful new friendships.

A sense of achievement

Stretch yourself to the limit, go outside your comfort zone and achieve things you never through possible. With the help of our friendly volunteers and support of your peers, anything is possible.

Stay healthy

Engage in a sport that exercise your mind and body, as much or as little as you are capable and wanting to. You can simply sit back and enjoy the ride, or become a leading crew member, pulling ropes, giving direction and maybe event skippering a boat! Sailing has the added bonus of being an outdoor activity, making it a very safe sport, with plenty of ventilation and distance between participants. Your participation knows no limits, from recreational pursuit to world level involvement!

Sailability WA

“A huge thankyou to all for giving Emma the opportunity to feel the wind on her face and enjoy the experience of sailing”

Jill, Emma's mum

Thursday Supported sailing participant

Hear from participants


“If anything goes wrong during the race, we have to problem-solve it and work out why we’ve stopped. We can’t just ask a sighted person what’s happened. If something has twisted or is tangled or fallen off, we have to look for it and sort out what’s happened. It’s a very empowering sport.”


Blind sailor and Sailability WA member

Genevieve Wickham- competing at Sail Melbourne in Hansa 303

“My limited verbal skills tend to isolate me and being part of Sailability provides another social aspect to my life. Interacting with other members, volunteers, coordinators etc. and RPYC members has increased my confidence and self-esteem.”


Sailability WA member