© 2025 Sailability WA All Rights Reserved | ABN 55 221 846 727
Sailability WA hosted by Royal Perth Yacht Club
Australia II Drive,
Crawley WA 6009
0404 145 499
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Please read the below Terms and Conditions before proceeding to book a boat with Sailability WABACKGROUND
A You wish to use the Equipment for activities/events set out in this Agreement independent of Sailability’s supported sailing programs and/or events.
B You must be a current financial member of Sailability WA at the time of the Agreement and agree to the terms and conditions in the Agreement.
C The Equipment referred to in this Agreement is for use and/or support of sailing activities as set out in this Agreement.
D You will be responsible for providing your own safety equipment and any other personal requirements to ensure their personal safety and wellbeing and that of any support persons involved.
4. No modifications or changes, including stickers or promotional material to be made to the boat without prior approval by the Coordinator.
5. The boat is to be clean on return to the allocated storage and any keys must be returned to the Coordinator as soon as possible after the approved use.
6. The boat and/or equipment is not to be removed from RPYC (and the designated racing area) without the approval of the Coordinator.
7. A Hansa dinghy must not be sailed beyond the confines of the RPYC marina without a safety boat in attendance in the area being sailed.
8. The boat is to be sailed within the perimeters of the design and in accordance with the current Racing Rules of Sailing.
9. You must demonstrate You have registered for any independent event for which You are loaning a boat, and that You comply with the Organising Authority/ies and with any other associated requirements at the time of entering this Agreement.
10. You may be required to demonstrate a level of competence appropriate to the weather conditions and racing environment prior to agreed use of the boat or equipment.
11. If You wish to Loan Sailability’s RIB, You must provide a skipper suitably experienced and qualified with a current RST. They are not to change skipper without the approval of the Sailability Coordinator. The replacement RIB skipper must comply with this clause. At the completion of each Loan, in addition to complying with clauses 3 & 5 above.
12. Should You or others under your direction wish to use any of the hoists (personal or other) owned by Sailability, You must demonstrate to the Coordinator that the people using this equipment are suitably competent to do so. If required, the Coordinator will provide a brief instructional session at the start of the Term for those involved.
13. You agree that the boat and/or equipment chartered from Sailability will only be used during the agreed event or activity and will not be used outside of the agreed time and date and will not be made available to another person who is not party to this Agreement.